Photography education for everyone

That’s our mission. Our passion. To offer photography resources in a variety of ways and in different learning styles. Resources created by established photographers who also have a passion for teaching, that are filled-t0-the-brim with helpful tools, tips, examples, technical skills, and also give you tangible take-aways to be able to implement what you learned.

From free resources to in-depth educational courses, we know that everyone’s needs and budget differ. Our mission is to provide hands-on learning opportunities no matter your skill level or budget.

At The Framed Focus, you have…

  • The Ability to Connect with Like-Minded Creatives From All Over the Globe: Join a vibrant community of photographers from around the world, eager to share tips, techniques, and inspiration to help you elevate your craft.

  • Access to Exclusive Learning Opportunities: Access a wealth of resources including tutorials, webinars, and masterclasses led by experienced photographers who love to (and are really freaking good) at teaching, tailored to all skill levels from amateur to professional.

  • Opportunities to Showcase Your Work: Gain visibility and recognition by sharing your photos in themed challenges and competitions, with opportunities to have your work featured and reviewed by seasoned photographers.

  • Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth in your Photography Journey: Participate in collaborative projects, get constructive feedback on your work, and build meaningful relationships with peers who are just as passionate about photography as you are.


Framed Focus Education & Resources

What’s inside the shop

  • We are committed to providing FREE photography resources to our community twice a month.

    No gimmicks. No hidden fees. Just solid, quick and helpful resources that you can take and learn from.

  • Our workshops provide a DEEP dive into the course topic. 2-3 weeks of hands-on, instructor led learning in a private forum with graded assignments and real-time feedback.

  • Designed to teach you the skills or creative techniques you are interested in learning, at the pace that works FOR YOU. All independent study courses include an e-book, instructional videos and assignments for you to work through to put what you’ve learned into practice.

    We offer TWO types of Independent Study Courses:

    Comprehensive courses provide you an in-depth study of a topic or genre. You will walk away with a detailed understanding of the content from the accompanying e-book and instructional videos. Additionally, the course contains assignments an exercises to complete to practice the skills hands-on.

    Enrichment Courses focus on a singular, sometimes niche, photography topic to provide you a complete understanding in a very digestible way. Course includes an e-book, instructional video as well as exercises.

  • Our curated collection of presets was put together to provide edting options for a wide variety of photographers. We know that not everyone edits the same way, so all presets shouldn’t look the same.

Photography Education For All

Photography Education For All