52 Clicks | Week 40 | Smell

Our month of senses in our p52 concluded last week with the sense of smell.

I love how so many things can evoke smell; and it was fun seeing how the participants decided to capture this in such a variety of ways.

Before we move onto a new theme for October, let's take a moment to appreciate some of the images from the group. Can you smell the images from week 40?

xo Angie Mahlke

Cassandra Caton Smith @pondthecrossing

Colette Nederhoff @cohappinest

Emma MacDermott @emmamacdermottphotography

Erin Christine @erinpettograssophotography

Heather Caporali @_cap_clicks

Heidi Ziemann @heidinicoleeee

Hilary Palmer @hil1945

Isabelle Boulanger @ibou247

Jess Riley @jess_rileyphotos

Lola Colberg @luaphotography21

Mariah Andersson @mariahfotografi

Megan Luton @meganluton

Nancy Magnus @nmagphoto

Natalie Rogers @nattirogers

Shannon Denise @shannynanners

Sunny Chilson @Sunny_On_The_Plains

Wenwen Fan @wenwenf_foto


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