8 Tips for Surviving a Photography Project | by Angie Mahlke

It’s about that time of year again when we look back on the past 365 days and think about how we want to approach the next. Remember January 2024, when you enthusiastically started a year-long photography project? You kicked things off with all the energy in the world... only to hit a wall midway—or maybe much sooner. Like, say, after the first month?

Ah, the ambitious dream of a year-long photography project! It’s like signing up for a marathon, but with a camera in hand instead of running shoes. Don’t worry—I’ve got you covered! Hi, I’m Angie, and I’ve completed multiple year-long photography challenges (specifically p52s, where you take a photo each week). I’m here to help you not only get past the halfway slump but cross the finish line with confidence.

Wondering how? I’ve got some practical tips to keep you inspired and motivated, so you won’t end up swapping your camera for a nap. Let’s dive in—are you ready?

1. Shake Things Up

Don’t stick to just one style or subject. Experiment! Capture everything from stunning landscapes to the messes your kids make. Mixing it up prevents boredom, sparks creativity, and pushes you beyond your comfort zone. Remember, photography projects are all about learning and growing—so embrace variety!

2. Pick a Theme

Having a plan makes it easier to stay consistent. Themes give your project structure and purpose. Whether you join a project with pre-set themes or create your own, shooting with intention will help you stay motivated and make your journey more meaningful.

3. Find Your Tribe

Team up with other photographers—it’s more fun with friends! Sharing your struggles and successes with others makes the process more rewarding. In my p52 project, participants often bond over the challenges (hello, Time O’Clock and self portraits!) but also cheer each other on. Having a community keeps you accountable and inspired.

Speaking of which, my 52 Clicks project starts again soon! If you’re looking for a supportive group to share your journey, we’d love to have you. Sign up and meet your soon-to-be photography besties.

4. Master Your Time

Photography shouldn’t take over your life. Plan ahead when possible and give yourself grace to fall behind if needed. It’s okay to skip a week—or several—and jump back in when life calms down. Consistency is great, but flexibility ensures you won’t burn out.

5. Learn as You Go

Use your project as an opportunity to grow. Take an online class, dive into a photography blog, or try a new editing technique. By the end of the year, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ve improved. Watching participants in my p52 grow throughout the year makes me so proud—it’s incredible to see how far you can come!

6. Reflect on Your Progress

Take time to review your work. Celebrate your wins and laugh at the shots that didn’t quite hit the mark. Photography is a journey, and not every picture will be a masterpiece. Learning from your mistakes and appreciating your progress is all part of the process.

7. Experiment with Editing

Play around with different editing styles to bring new life to your photos. Try overlays, test out AI tools, or tweak colors and textures. Experimenting helps you discover your unique style—and you might just turn an ordinary photo into something extraordinary.

8. Keep It Light

Remember, it’s just photography. Have fun with it! If you’re feeling stressed, take a break. The world won’t crumble if you miss a week. Your mental health is more important than capturing that perfect pigeon-eating-a-french-fry shot (though, let’s admit, that would be great for a food theme).

So, grab your camera and head out with a smile. May your subjects cooperate, your lighting shine, and your sense of humor stay strong. Happy snapping!

P.S. Don’t forget tip #3—joining a community like 52 Clicks might just be the secret to your project’s success. Come join us!


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