Hi! I’m Angie!

I am a wife and a mother to two wild boys and one sassy girl, in addition to a dog, cat and three goldfish, which gives me ample material to work with behind my lens. I love capturing the genuine moments as they unfold because they hold more emotional meaning to me—they transport me back to that time—and I know these are little mementos of our lives I’ll cherish in years to come.

You can find me in a small farming community in southeast Minnesota, just a few hours from where I grew up, in a different small farming community. Small town living is in my roots.

My photography journey started in high school with an old film camera and a dark room. The digital world is instant gratification, but there is something to be said about watching your image appear slowly in the solution—your inspiration brought to life.

Of course, like most momtogs, it wasn’t until I became a mother that the hobby turned into a passion project. I started on a Canon Rebel and a nifty 50mm lens. Years later, I upgraded to a Canon 6D and acquired new lenses. I’ve upgraded to a mirrorless, Canon R6. I don’t own a lot of gear and none of it is overly fancy and sometimes I use my trusty iPhone, but I am here to tell you that the gear doesn’t make the photographer. It’s how you use your gear that is truly the important thing.

My biggest photography passion is p52s. I’ve been doing them for more years than I have fingers on to count a single hand. There’s something about an organized project and a built-in community that pushes me out of my comfort zone and forces me to keep picking up my camera on a regular basis. We’re all busy. Sometimes that extra push in a safe, encouraging and inspiring community is all you need.

I lean heavily on the group aspect of any photography endeavor because a community goes a long way to keep you connected and inspired. Whether it’s a project like a p52 or a safe landing place while you navigate a professional photography career or possibly a go-to place of resources as you dive deep into learning and growing toward your own personal photography goals. We want to be that place for you, whatever that looks like for you.

In that spirit, I’d love to gift you with a handful of sky overlays I’ve been hoarding. I’ve become a bit of a sky collector. If I’m playing with my kids or walking my dog or riding in the passenger seat of my husband’s truck and I spy a pretty sky, I’ll whip out my phone, switch it to RAW mode and snap a quick picture to one day turn it into an overlay. You can never have too many skies. Am I right?

So enjoy some of my recent ones! If you’re new to using sky overlays, watch my video tutorial of the sky replacement tool in Photoshop. Click here for the overlays and the video!

I’m excited to follow along with you in our new community. So don’t be shy. Come say hi. Share your work. Use us, and each other, as a resource. Let’s be each other’s go-to people.


Hi! I’m Melissa!


Hi! I’m Laura!