52 Clicks 2024 Project Wrap Up
As this year's Project 52 comes to an end, we'd love to look back on the year and celebrate all the participants' hard work. Whether they completed the whole year, half the year or only a few weeks, it's something to celebrate and be proud of! Projects of this magnitude can feel daunting and insurmountable at the beginning as you look over the duration of the whole year, but now that we sit at the tail end of it, we are able to look back and reflect on the experiences.
We asked the p52 students to choose their favorite image from the project (which is no small feat, trust me) and let us see inside their heads a bit as they reveal why they chose that particular photo or what the project has meant to them. This blog post is evidence of the power of photography projects and the people who do them right alongside you.
If you're wanting a similar experience in 2025, I invite you to join us as we start all over again with a brand new course, theme schedule, and prompt list. Click here to join us!
xo Angie Mahlke
See what our community created this year, and what they have to say about the 52 Clicks Weekly Photography Project!
Angie Mahlke @angie_mahlke
“Prompt: Monochromatic. I have so many things I love about this project, but if I must pick just one, I'd have to say my favorite is the community. I absolutely would not be able to complete all 52 weeks without the support of the group. We're like a big dysfunctional family and I'm so very grateful for them.”
Shelly Ford @flatcapswife
“Prompt: Layering. I love being part of the P52 community - it’s so inspiring to see everyone else’s interpretations of the themes, there are always lots of ideas that I want to try myself”
Louise Harmston @louiseharmston
“Prompt: Still Life. This shot became my unexpected favourite from this project this year. It was for the still life prompt and was a random real life moment I felt drawn to capture and has so much meaning to me. The best thing about this project is the collection of new favourite photos to look back on that I wouldn't have if I didn't do a project like this.”
Jessica Wells @jessicaleewells
“Prompt: Macro. This was hard for me. I am my worst critic. One of my favorite photos I did was our macro week. I love macro, but for this one I stepped outside my “nature” box and did a different kind of macro. I was really pleased with how it turned out.”
Jess Riley @jess_rileyphotos
“Prompt: Self Portrait. I love how we get pushed outside of our comfort zone with the themes. I think this is where we find growth and so I chose my self portrait where I explored new lighting, cinematic colour and a location in my home I hadn't used before. The ideas and inspiration within our community are endless and it's so valuable to see our different takes on the themes! If it wasn't for Diana's bathroom series I might never have thought to use my shower for this image!”
Becky Wilde @walkofthewilde
“Prompt: Self Portrait. This may shock EVERYONE, including myself… but I’m choosing my self portrait! I never would’ve remembered to step in the frame if I hadn’t needed a self portrait. Now I’m so happy I have this memory captured of a night I will never forget. This project helps me step outside my normal shooting pattern, slow down, examine my surroundings, and think of new ways to capture a scene. Such a valuable creative process to continue fostering.”
Frances Terlich @francesterlich365
“Prompt: Details. I love how for my p52 I always feel challenged to just try something new or different and experiment to see what the outcome will be. This is one flash in a soft box and a black sheet hanging up behind her.
I’m SO glad I documented this because she has grown so much this year and is starting to really become an independent young lady which I love! Cooking by herself and is able to understand more adult concepts of life.”
Emma Challinor @emmachallinorphotography
“Prompt: Double Exposure. I love this thread so much already- inspirational! This is my first ever double exposure in photoshop (I'd messed around with the in-camera before). I didn't really think double exposures were for me and I sighed and groaned when it came up as a theme. But I love what I ended up submitting. I made another for my older son and they are framed and hang opposite my bed. I look at them every single day; I think double exposures really repay frequent viewings. I love this project for pushing us to try things that we might not have tried otherwise! And for seeing all the inspiration from everyone else- every week I so look forward to Sunday to see what everyone produced for the theme. There's always so much variety and food for thought!
Heidi Ziemann @heidinicoleeee
“Prompt: Details. I really am just so proud of this image. It's one of my absolute favorites I've captured this year. This project has really taught me to be easier on myself. I've gained so much value from consistently stepping outside of my comfort zone in this project. I've seen so much growth in my own work from doing so.”
Casey Ladisa @chaoticblissphotos
“Prompt: Street photography. My favorite part is the community with this project! It’s such an inspiration and just a truly uplifting and encouraging group! There are several weeks I took out of order or had to catch up on because life happens but thanks to the encouragement of the group I’m walking away with 52 images I would not have had without this project to look back on my year with! Sometimes it’s a good thing for us Type A personalities to be reminded that once the rules discourage you from picking up your camera it’s probably time to bend it haha.”
Marion Sebire @mar_seb21
“Prompt: Macro. Very difficult to choose just one, but I decided on the macro week as I had so much fun to try different perspective, close-up and colours. I think this community is amazing and you are all talented photographers who support each other. I felt I have not been engaging that much due to few personal issues but this community has been precious for inspiration. Thus here are my apologies and thank you to you all!”
Diana Johnson @dianaljohnsonphotography
“Prompt: 3:00 pm. You know it’s hard to pick your favorite image. I’m picking this one because the prompt was 3:00 o’clock. This time o’clock month was not my favorite, easy to get in your head. But Angie suggested a light study, I was sold. I decided my favorite room would work, the bathroom! We had to do 4 photos at different times, so I thought of a classic problem we have all faced and my dog just happened to stroll in at the right moment. Love to add a little humor. This project totally gets you out of your comfort zone.”
Nicolette Anderson @nickybrody21
“Prompt: Black & White. Definitely my favorite picture of the year!! I have always loved Black & White photography, and especially trees - I found that with everything I learned this year it helped me to capture this moment, just as I want to remember it. I loved doing this project this year, it was so wonderful to be surrounded by so many talented photographers, which helped thru encouragement, creativity and how much it helped me to pick up my camera more. It was a great way to learn and grow and enjoy.”
Susanna Coleman @siusalukie
“Prompt: Self Portrait. I'm most proud of my self portrait. It had been a long time since i really delved into the world of photography and I'm so glad the Lola Colberg introduced me to this fabulous group. I've been inspired to be creative and push myself through this medium. I loved photography since my dad gave me my first Nikon when I was 10. So I'm happy to be back at it. Thank you all for a wonderful year. I'm so grateful to be in the company of such great artists. Thank you Angie for putting together such a great experience.”
Marijana Belton @marijanabeltonphotography
“Prompt: Leading Lines. I just loved the whole process of this image. Being out there in the hills with one of my best friends. She is such a free spirit and that comes out in this image for me. To have the freedom to run in the wild in nature without a care. It’s a wonderful feeling to be out there. I really did enjoy the 52 clicks and what a great community it was to be a part of! I didn’t get to do all the weeks, but I did them when I could. Thank you Angie and everyone! It has been a pleasure!”
Mariah Andersson @mariahfotografi
“Prompt: Food. Well this was a hard task! I’ve absolutely loved this project and how much I’ve learnt. I’ve appreciated the consistency of it and have let it lead my planning and creation in many ways throughout the year. If I was to pick one thing that has given me the most it must be seeing everyone else’s interpretations of the themes and I’ve just been so inspired by the fabulous artists participating. The biggest bonus? We’re in the same group and I get to be friends with you all! Mindblowing I tell you! I can’t believe I'm about to write this but my favourite is the one that brought me both tears, sweat and headaches. Theme: food! I’m so proud that I made this and pulled myself together. And the colours!”
Elin Svensk @e_nk
“Prompt: Sound. I am so happy that I believe I will complete the p52 this year! The project means a lot for my, if not daily so at least weekly practice of photography, and has given me many highly treasured memories. This is one of my favourites this year, on the theme Sound. I love the soft focus and the shadows, and having attempted another low key trumpet portrait when new to photography, it very clearly represents my growth. I also highly appreciate the supportive and loving community, which is extremely talented and inspires me to grow. Very thankful to be a part of this project!”
Lola Colberg @luaphotography21
“Prompt: Center. This project has been so great! Loved how the prompts and weekly assignments were fun and challenging. One prompt a week kept me connected to my art throughout the whole year. But my favorite part has been the sense of community. The support and inspiration from all of you! I really can’t choose a favorite image but I will choose Center- the very first week. Thank you Angie Mahlke for a great year!”
Sunny Chilson @sunny_on_the_plains
“Prompt: Pocket of Light. It was hard to choose just one! I chose this one because it's a photo of everyday life on our ranch and it shows how hard my husband works. This is my second fully completed P52. I truly believe that the only reason I've been able to complete this project twice is because of the guidance, inspiration and support from everyone one in the P52 community. It truly is a unique community with everyone cheering everyone else on!
My advice for anyone embarking on a P52 is to not think too hard about trying to get the perfect shot, just take the shot! There is something to be learned in every single shot taken. Also, don't worry if you miss some weeks. There's a whole year to make up missed weeks! Enjoy the process!”
Susan Pak Thornton @suzthorn
“Prompt: Juxtaposition. I was behind on P52 so had a list of prompts I wanted to take photos of on vacation. It’s only my first year and my advice is if you shoot the theme, select the best of the bunch and post it. The reason I may not finish is because I decided some of my shots were not good enough and that I would shoot them again. Although we are doing this as a group, this is your project. With a busy life, it’s hard enough to shoot the current theme without having older themes weighing on you. I love that this project has made me “see” shots even when I don’t have my camera with me.”
Anna Guðnadóttir @agiceland
“Prompt: Center. I'm entering my 6th year with Angie, and I'm really looking forward to it! This project is a favorite – it's often the only reason I pick up my camera. I believe in making my own project rules, keeping things flexible but still motivating. I usually shoot photos in advance, sometimes for the entire month, which significantly reduces the pressure, even if I occasionally shoot on posting day. Participating in the weekly Instagram loop provides accountability and connects me with a fun and supportive community.”
Robbie Ligon @robbieligonphotography
“Prompt: Intentional Blur. I used my Lensbaby on Christmas Lights and absolutely loved the results. This project has been wonderful because of the community and how it has helped me find areas of photography that I never would have tried but that I ended up loving! It has also helped me learn new techniques that I might never have tried as well. It has pushed me and kept me picking up my camera. I really didn't realize how much I had learned until I sat down and looked back through the year! I am so glad I found this group!”
Cassandra Caton Smith @pondthecrossing
“Prompt: Touch. This image was from the Five Senses month. I chose touch for this image because Isaac looks like he’s touching the rainbow. I’m so stinking proud of myself for sticking with the project and completing all 52 assignments. I’ve gotten better, too. I can tell! This photo alone proves that! My advice is to, don’t let yourself fall too behind. Keep up with the months! Try things even if they are intimidating! Bottom line- just keep picking up your camera! Click away!”
Chloe Jiao @chloejiaophotography
“Prompt: Low Light. This is from the week of low light. I love this photo for the tender moment it captures—my baby’s tiny hand on my face against the vibrant sunrise. It wasn’t easy to get in low light, but so worth it for this memory. My favorite part of this P52 project is seeing how other photographers approach the same theme in such unique and creative ways. It’s so inspiring and always gives me fresh ideas to try in my everyday life.”
Nancy Magnus @nmagphoto
“Prompt: Senses (sound). Well, I loved all of the senses! This was something I really hadn’t thought about before and loved pushing myself in this area. I usually turn to the artist elements like color and framing so this was a real challenge for me. I loved the project in that sense - it got me out of my comfort zone and looking at things in a different way. My advice is to have fun, and don’t be afraid of pushing beyond what you normally do!”
Heather Caporali @_cap_clicks
“Prompt: Pocket of Light. This project means so much to me. As I begin my third year and reflect on the work I've done over the past two, I can see how much I've grown. As a busy working wife and mom of three, it would be easy to go months without picking up my camera, but this project keeps me learning, evolving, and connected to a community of supportive photographers. This project helps me stay focused on a hobby that reminds me of who I am, and despite the busyness of life, it ensures I don't lose sight of it.”