Chase the Rainbow Project | Magenta

Colour is one of the most powerful tools in photography. Colour can evoke emotions, tell stories, and transform an ordinary scene into something extraordinary. In our Chase the Rainbow project we explore the beauty of a different colour each month. Whether that’s finding the colour in nature, around the house or setting up a scene with colourful props and clothing.

“I’m having a magenta day. Not just red, but magenta!” - Stephen King

This month our colour was magenta; a vibrant shade of pink. Magenta is a fun, inspiring and uplifting colour.  Many of us found this colour a real challenge to find, so enjoy looking through all the different images we have created with magenta! 

Due to the popularity of this project, we have chosen a sampling of the incredible work shared to feature on the blog! See the featured artists below, and follow the tag #chasetherainbowproject2025 to see even more beautiful work that was shared for the theme!

Abi Coop @abicoop28

Bunthivy Nou @bunphotofilm

Laura Driscoll @elle_dee_photography

Renee Johnson @reneeleannephotos

Jess Riley @jess_rileyphotos

Harmony Chamberlain @haromonychamberlain

Mariah Andersson @mariahfotografi

Heather Emerson @heatheraemerson

Debra O'Flaherty

Amy Selleck @amy_selleck

Anna Hurley @anna_m_hurley

Dorene Hookey @dorenehookey

Charlotte Paine @life_beyond_my_lens

Theresa Bigoni @fawnie_lu

Jessica Church @stilllifewithp

Lynette Marie @lynettemarie7256

Heather Wilson @heather_lee_wilsons

The next colour we will be chasing in March 2025 is PURPLE! If you’d like to join send Abi Coop or Holly Awwad a DM, or email to be added to the Instagram chat!


24 hours of Creative Light | by Elodie Meyer


52 Clicks | Week 5 | Black & White: Shadows